Woah, I came into term 1 of yr 12 wanting to do a creative nonfiction on Absurdism. Also yes I would love resources for the Theatre of Absurd! Can I also have a look at your piece? I wanna see how you went about portraying Absurdism in a creative nonfiction, seeing as how that is what I...
I am super passionate at this! I don't think I'd want to trade it for anything else so it's a bit sad thinking of letting it go. But thank you for your post! I've thought about it and this is the thing I love most about english so I'll probably be continuing on with it.
I work pretty closely...
Hi new here - I'm a bit worried about if my concept is too cliché and overused in previous major works. Like would I get shit marks for it? It would probably depend on how well I execute it right (that's a problem TOO). Anyway I'm thinking of writing an Absurdist play because I fell in love with...