Recent content by liamclark

  1. L

    EAS eligibility question

    Yeh good idea, the UAC and USYD offices and phone-lines reopen on Monday, so I might give that a try.
  2. L

    EAS eligibility question

    Thanks nourah. I got 98.5 and i need 99.5 for combined law, so I don't think they have flexible entry for it. But yeah, I did get a Band 6 in English.
  3. L

    EAS eligibility question

    Hey guys, I applied for EAS code H10B because my dad had cancer (and still does) throughout most of my HSC. I've just received my eligibility letter on UAC, and it says that I am eligible for all universities and colleges except for USYD, UNSW, UTS, MQ and UWS. I want to get into USYD with an...
  4. L

    99.95 ATAR | Selling CHEM (95) + PHYS (95) Notes

    I am really interested. I'm a year 10 going into year 11 next year, and doing chemistry. I looked at the sample and am very interested.