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  • oh rural entry, niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice, u still gotta get a pretty damn good ATAR to get in to med even with rural entry!!!! =]]]
    and yes i am from sydney, however i live about 1hr away from UNSW, so not THAT close (UNCLE is about 2hrs away tho lol, so quite a bit further)

    well HOPEFULLY I SEE U NEXT YEAR AT UNSW medicine =]]]
    ohhhhhh nice, hopefully we both make it in then xD and HECTIC congrats on already being accepted at JCU!!!!! =]]]
    is UNSW first for you because you live in sydney??? (my main motivation lol)
    ummmmmmmmmmm ima trying for UNSW first preference, then UNCLE second (fingers crossed for UNSW cos it wud be so much more convenient lol)

    hey, i saw you got a band 6 for Japanese!!! Congradulations! I was just wondering...do you have any tips for Japanese Cont. I'm doing it for the HSC now and for the past 10 years my school hasnt broken into the Band 6 range yet and i want to break this stupid curse our school has haha. Anything would be appreciated!

    P.s Congrads on ur great ATAR!
    Hey Liza,
    I read that you have a med interview with JCU. I also have one, what date is yours? Mine is the 10th of December, but theres a clash for me as I have to be somewhere overseas(not relaxing on a holiday). I spoke to JCU and they said the only way for me to change the date is to swap with someone. Hey if i didnt have anything to do that month the 10th would be a great time for an interview.

    PLEASE help!!


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