I'd say family.
They have high hopes for me,
and that motivates me to try harder.
I'm the first child in the family to go through the chaos that is
HSC, so i don't want to dissapoint them.
Besides, i need a good UAI, so i can get in to uni, so i can study then get a good job, because...
No, you definitely do not get to see the test.
Which I think is stupid, because it would be good to learn from mistakes.
And there is no scaling, it is completely different to HSC.
You will also find that it is IRRELEVANT to anything you will
do in year 11 and 12so don't stress. After...
Lizards: Ectothermy enables their body's metabolism to slow right down, allowing lizards to capitalize on scant and unpredictable food supplies. Moreover, along with other ectotherms, lizards are low-energy animals. Endothermy is much more expensive energetically. One day's food supply for a...