Recent content by lumora

  1. L

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    don't scare me like that bro
  2. L

    should i drop to 10 units or keep 12

    that's so bougie, my teachers could never
  3. L

    should i drop to 10 units or keep 12

    do you just do past papers? im tryna study more for 4u but idk what else to do other than past papers
  4. L

    How do i answer this? Hagseed vs tempest

    have you tried consulting with chatgpt?
  5. L

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    I think it's the 2nd of May from memory, so in term 2
  6. L

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    oh I don't know how to help u then, sorry my school has got us doing mod c rn
  7. L

    guys i got a d pls help me

    bro your life is over now, good job
  8. L

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    what module r u doing rn
  9. L

    no but I did

    no but I did
  10. L

    huzzah! I have gained another fan!!!

    huzzah! I have gained another fan!!!
  11. L

    omg my first profile post 😍 since you are my first fan:eek2: I will give you a genuine...

    omg my first profile post 😍 since you are my first fan:eek2: I will give you a genuine response:kiss:: Stevie Wonder - As
  12. L

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    aren't you a good boy with perfect attendance on sentral
  13. L

    Thailand vs Afghanistan

    someone write a fanfic ASAP
  14. L

    Thailand vs Afghanistan

    its just friendly banter
  15. L

    Thailand vs Afghanistan

    yeah u would know all about it wouldn't u?