I think all of you are stressing yourselves by comparing your answers to others,
if you did your best I don't think there is anything to be stressed about, every person will get what he deserves and what he worked for the whole year :)
I wish the same thing bro but the problem is if they consider the exam as "easy" they will be hard markers but I found it challenging, and I always come top three in my school , but anyways I will keep praying until the marks will be issued :(
board of studies has always a way to kill students :S
I wrote about lead acid cell , and included the anode and cathode equation, and that lead is toxic so environmental chemist must use AAS to test if there is traces of Pb in the environment and notify the development chemist as he is...
the reaction never goes to completion, it's reversible and in equilibrium so u have to put the 2 side arrows <-- --> , you should not forget the water as by product , and the sulfuric acid catalyst on the arrow
I just can"t believe what I'm reading !!!! relax buddy !!
my friend is now 3rd year uni and he advised me to enjoy the time before starting uni , you'll never have such opportunity and wasting it by preparing for things you can't even guarantee you are getting into is like waisting your life...
thank you so much for giving me hope ^_^
I will try my best to do well as I did for my trials for chemistry and I will forget about how stuffed in maths :D
my chemistry exam is on 6th of november I always come first and sometimes second in chem but I'm feeling depressed , I will not be able to perform well in it because maths exam pulled my motivation down :(
I mean like 70, :"(
for maths I left question 15 which is 15 marks by mistake (I will probably FAIL) , I forgot that i didn't attempt it and when i realised that i had like 10 minutes and the supervisor was like pens down I cried!!!!
I would probably get rid of my notes (BURN them) ....learn how to drive and get my P licence as i ignored it throughout year 12 (pretending I'm studying just not to do the test as I hate driving but still I need a car) anyways...I will start going gym everyday,,,maybe travel to France to visit...