yea they do and its not that hard to do well in
10% is homework online
10% attendance and participation
30% in class quizzes- all MC and 20 mins long and u get sample quizzes too
50% for the exam which is all multiple choice
Im doing b com at unsw atm and I'm enjoying the degree, however, i wanted to find out what criteria i need to meet (i.e WAM) to transfer into b com/b media in semester 2 or something.
as many have said above and as u have probably heard, set goals and achieve them. set goals u can actually reach, it might take u 2 hrs, or even 4, but make sure u know what u want to do and get that done.
as carrot has said, anymore then 3-4 means somethings wrong... deswa1 studied around 3 hrs...