Hey Guys,
I'm looking for a tutor who has done my English texts to look over my essays and help me with writing my analysis instead of someone who will look at the general structure and strength of the argument.
I'm also looking for essays for the modules as resources. (I'm happy to pay for...
Getting some contrasting information and struggling with this essay.
I was planning on going with a blocked essay (T1)(T2)(T1)(T2) but then I was told that intertwined is usually much better for the better students. However, I was struggling with it as I did not have enough on one of the...
Anya marked my common module essay. Very comprehensive feedback and explains why she made each change. I can already tell my essay is much better! Highly recommended
Where is everyone getting questions from for the modules (other than equilibrium, even for equilibrium like more questions regarding Keq Ksp etc..)
Dear Everyone,
I've been practicing for the UCAT and it has been pretty tough so far. I was wondering if anyone has any idea what the Unis will probs be asking for in terms of entry into medicine dentistry etc (UNSW, UWS, Adelaide etc).
I cannot find any information regarding this...
Dear Everyone,
I've been looking everywhere because I wanted to have a chat with an investment banker, if you don't mind getting a little personal (how long you spend with your family, pay etc).
If you know someone or you are one - preferably first or second year please PM me, I just have a...