ANY TYPE OF RECKLESS DRIVING, (which, most car thiefs partake in) IS A DEFINATE THREAT TO BOTH THE PUBLIC AND TO THE OFFENDER(Not to mention the police putting their lives at risk to minimise this risk!)
that is all...
Yes it's a tradgedy, but you also need to get your facts straight.
The 20 year old driver was unlicenced, was driving a stolen car and had a history of car theft behind him, so no, he wasn't just a "petty thief", as you put it.
The police had called the chase off before the accident, yet the...
So true! Watever ever happened to the big, powerful man? seriously! Guys are meant to make the first move, and although a girl really likes a guy, most won't make that first's a question of standards and rolls.... i mean the guy should wear the pants in a relationship.
Come on guys...
Coucou tout le monde!
cava comme il faut?
Vous faites le francais pour le HSC? Vous avez etudie le fancais depuis combien de temps? qour quoi est-ce que vous aimez le francais?
Mlle KJ
I am doing the preliminary course of Advanced english. We are doing our Area Of Study on Identity.
Just wondering if you could all give me suggestions for texts to add to my portfolio, I am missing a poem and feature article!
Also, does anybody know of where to find example...