Recent content by moleskine

  1. moleskine

    Optimising XP

    if you're going to format, using tinyxp instead of normal xp is awesome. about 1/3 the system resources.
  2. moleskine

    The Mighty Boosh - Funniest show on tv??

    i dug it but then i was pretty stoned.
  3. moleskine

    Americanised Kath and Kim

    there has to be about a million more redneck inbreds in america that are worse than kath and kim. could be good.
  4. moleskine

    What is you favorite kind of pizza?

    I tried the family cum pizza. Over rated imo. I'm all about margharita too. Simpler the better.
  5. moleskine

    Healthy food to pack for work

    I'm all about the turkey cheese and avo sandwich. And some fruit.
  6. moleskine

    This could solve the obesity problem

    Can't we just kill them all or make them all pay extra tax to give healthy people a tax break. Maybe they can be slaves for us healthy people and we can whip them when they are being lazy. Damn fatties. I have a 6 pack :)
  7. moleskine

    Who was your first celebrity crush?

    I can't remember the first (not even close) but the biggest and longest lasting crush has to be brooke burke. Damn she's hot. I used to watch wild on allll the time. Best show ever!
  8. moleskine

    Intelligent procrastination

    Writing a thesis - bummer dude. Brain train was pretty fun. I am maybe smarter. Maybe. I dug the riddles.
  9. moleskine

    Man Cuts Off His Own Head With A Chainsaw

    I cut my head off with a chainsaw once. It's not as hard as you guys think.
  10. moleskine

    Adult swim

    Who loves Adult Swim on cartoon network? Aqua teen, Sealab, Venture Bros, Harvey Birdman, 12oz Mouse, The these shows are teh shiz! Sealab is the bestest
  11. moleskine


    I dig Entourage! I'm looking forward to the next season.
  12. moleskine


    Who meditates? I reckon it is awesome. I meditate an hour a day. It make me feels good. That is all.
  13. moleskine

    Project Runway: Australia

    Man they are just saying the exact same lines. How about some originality. Geez.
  14. moleskine

    "I am not KOOTE!"

    Koote? I thikn they were trying to imply you had kooties. You have kooties you have kooties! In your face!!!
  15. moleskine

    If your girl or boyfriend wouldn't have sex...

    Did u talk to the other person and find out why? Did you try get them liquored up or drug them with X (drugging them is a joke...maybe)? They might just be really nervous or something. I know a bunch of girls who had long relationships with guys and didn't sleep with them only to sleep...