Recent content by mooo

  1. mooo

    btw, is that the cover for you and i by park bomm?? i havnt listened to the song yet, is it any...

    btw, is that the cover for you and i by park bomm?? i havnt listened to the song yet, is it any good?
  2. mooo

    LOL allnighter again!! you're gonna be sleeping during chem on monday imo xp i epically failed...

    LOL allnighter again!! you're gonna be sleeping during chem on monday imo xp i epically failed paper 2 and WTF was with qu6+7 from 3u????? there goes my hopes of an e4 :( lolol yeah ive been hearing a lot about the sor thing in the papers, atleast it doesnt count for yu! :) DONT BE SAD, BE...
  3. mooo

    and btw, what the hell were you doing up so late on bos?????????

    and btw, what the hell were you doing up so late on bos?????????
  4. mooo

    omg, havn't spoken to yu in agessss, how'd yu go in english/religion/maths?? btw, can yu come...

    omg, havn't spoken to yu in agessss, how'd yu go in english/religion/maths?? btw, can yu come parra library on tuesday??
  5. mooo

    thanks for helping me out with english yesterday and i'll say it again for the thousandth time...

    thanks for helping me out with english yesterday and i'll say it again for the thousandth time: GOOD LUCK WITH ENGLISH TOMORROW MOSELEYYYYYYYY! :)
  6. mooo

    IT'S MINE mmkay?? =^-^= ohhh, i think i remember now, it was at the library... btw, heaps sry...

    IT'S MINE mmkay?? =^-^= ohhh, i think i remember now, it was at the library... btw, heaps sry for the late reply, havnt been on much lately
  7. mooo

    Snow Leopard

    are you trying to say that windows 7 isnt an overglorified service pack?? dude, vista was complete fail and windows 7 is just a fancier vista with all the bugs ironed out. and now tell me, how much does windows charge you for this? oh thats right, $299 for home premium and $469 for ultimate...
  8. mooo

    HSC advice line 2009

    Oo never heard about this... but it would feel weird...
  9. mooo

    Approximately how many past papers have you done for each subject?

    since trials: -phys: 5 -chem: 5 -eco: 1 -3u maths: about 10 -4u maths: umm atleast 20 -end adv: 0
  10. mooo

    graduation, how do u feel?

    i hope i dont cry on tuesday... i sure am gonna miss everybody :(
  11. mooo

    bahahaha you betta give credit to me :) yeah, except during our graduation which is on tuesday...

    bahahaha you betta give credit to me :) yeah, except during our graduation which is on tuesday.. you have my number?! since when????? hahaha yeah theyre epic and i know why yu love them.........................
  12. mooo

    "Board of Studies lashed over HSC" and other stories

    re: "Board of Studies lashed over HSC" and other stories yay! :D this is awesome, but they should've done this wayyyy earlier imo
  13. mooo

    oh and have yu listened to 4minute's songs? THEY ARE EPIC <333

    oh and have yu listened to 4minute's songs? THEY ARE EPIC <333
  14. mooo

    yu betta come to parra library on wednesday, im dieing in chem and i need help ASAP ty =^-^=

    yu betta come to parra library on wednesday, im dieing in chem and i need help ASAP ty =^-^=
  15. mooo

    Formals - 2009

    i have! just bought my dress 2 weeks ago =D