I actually threw out everything on the weekend.... I can tell you I don't even have one sheet from school anymore=/ sorry. If only I'd known earlier.
tc God bless and goodluck.
omgoshhhh rania can u hurry up and finish exams...yes we have to go formal shopping and moviess definetely!
hows chem... all prepared?
btw nina my cousin said... could she buy your books for physics and english and their exams and that?
Don't envy.... u'll be done soon enough. ;p;
It was alright.... but all the questions we were stressing about outside hoping they wouldn't be in there... were in the exam!
LOl your soo funny... but is the nial polish any good... seriuosly i wanna grow my nails for formal:P I have to start...
loolll thanks for the webiste.... i was looking for a nail polish that wouldn't break my nails;) they'll be as strong as that diamond. ps that was soo random... why'd u send me the site for lool?
this is not related to multiple choice... but does anyone no whether we were just meant to relate to the ottawa charter for the question about the new public health approach? I metioned socio-cultural factors, empowerment of communities and that... and i refered to the ottawa charter in about 2...
LOOOOOOL legallll wat the hell are u on about... ROFLLL i dont doo legal... and legal exam is like next week anyways.
LOOOL omgoshhh Im soo screwed for maths... that was hard and i missed out soooo mannnnnnnny!
lool thats good rain.
ummm kinda... there are few stuff that I dont understand properly so I have to look over themm more.... i pray to God I do well.
love natascha ill type u a love heart --> <3