Recent content by n00d11es

  1. n00d11es

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    did maths standard scale up really well this year orrr???😭😭
  2. n00d11es

    2024 HSC Chat

    how'd everyone find food tech?
  3. n00d11es

    food tech 2024

    just been reading over palm card notes :tongue: any predictions for section 4?
  4. n00d11es

    updated atar prediction

    hi!! just wanted an estimate after receiving my report back :) visual arts -> 93 (1/6 in course) food technology -> 95 (1/5 in course) modern history -> 77 (2/15 in course) english advanced -> 88 (3/12 in course) maths standard -> 70 (16/30 in course) we got 10 b6 last year.. with 2 being...
  5. n00d11es

    2024 HSC Chat

    apparently you have to remove the UAC course 1st preference if you get early entry for the 1st preference according to my school, but im not sure :confused2:
  6. n00d11es

    2024 HSC Chat

    if you get early entry for ur 1st preference course on UAC , do you remove it?
  7. n00d11es

    i got the offer!!! they ended up coming out at 2 am

    i got the offer!!! they ended up coming out at 2 am
  8. n00d11es

    2024 HSC Chat

    anyone’s ACU offer come out yet ?
  9. n00d11es

    thank you!! do you know roughly what time offers usually are sent out?

    thank you!! do you know roughly what time offers usually are sent out?
  10. n00d11es

    hi jimmy! i am supeeerrr paranoid about not getting early entry because of my year 11 marks i...

    hi jimmy! i am supeeerrr paranoid about not getting early entry because of my year 11 marks i got 3 A's and 3 B's, and am trying for an education course at ACU with everyone getting their offers i am just super worried!! what do you think my chances are like? what grades do you need for a...
  11. n00d11es

    2024 HSC Chat

    does anyone know what time offers for early entry usually come out?? tomorrow is ACU's first round offers and i wanna be prepared lolol
  12. n00d11es

    Atar Mark Prediction

    Hi all, i'm not aiming for a super high atar i'm just really paranoid about not doing decent. I want alteast a 70 atar, here are my marks currently for internals. Visual Arts -> 92 (1/6 in course) Modern History -> 80 (2/15 in course) English Advanced -> 85 (6/12 in course) Maths Standard 2...