You should finish graduating from law, you are so close, why waste it, then do the economics degree,
Tbh you have a com degree, economics not that much different :)
hey, my friend, can't say, got his English back. However he got 2-3extra marks when he added his raw marks, from the calculated raw marks. DID BOS GIVE HIM EXTRA MARKS :spzz: (blocked out the bos number in background too incase lol)
Comp: 15
Creative: 12.5
Belonging essay: 12
Ok so i am Doing MGMT, ACCT, TABL and ECON,
are these subjects fine if i were to transfer to com/law , if i transfered will i still be finished within the 5 years?
Because if i am doing law but i am started a year later, how does that not waste a year