You will be fine. I got civil engineering early whilst having these grades in year 11:
Sor 1: C
English Adv: C
Chemistry: B
Engineering studies: A
Math adv: B
Math ext: C
Physics: C
Assumed knowledge for accounting in uts is just maths / english which u do both and do pretty good so don't stress.
I would look at the uni your interested in going to. Although your marks are really good some unis, like UTS and i think UNSW would prefer you to do physics. So just do some research on how physics would help you get into uni, and that should give you an educated stance on your dilemma (it helps...
If you didn't make mistakes then imo you should be fine. You do 4u math so have some confidence in your mathematical ability (regardless of what your friends did).
Make sure you say ' Miller does/includes' whatever evidence ur using, not abigail uses auditory imagery in stage directions, (cause abigail didnt write the crucible, it was arthur miller). Doing that gives confidence in ur essay / credibility that you actually know what your talking about...
My chem teacher said to annotate the stuff they give u for those higher mark questions as markers can give marks for that (shows understanding or smthn). Like identifying organic compounds from spectra, if you annotate important features and state the functional group, the marker can give up to...
In my experience year 11 adv trig is what u need. So right angled trig, sine and cosine rule, and a solid understanding of the unit circle. Identities and inverse trig would show up in harder projectile motion questions.
My experience in the start of year 11 after doing horribly on my first year 11 adv and ext math task was to slow down firstly with trying to do math, so I would take time with my working even if its not 'fast enough for an exam', and try to really understand concepts in maths in my own words...
Circular geometry is nice to know so u dont get too freaked out at vector proofs involving circles.
The questions they will ask 99% of the time gonna be euclidean geometry anyways, so look at that if you want.
Tbh vectors is such an abstract topic where in the ext1 course we really just learn...