Recent content by NoWorries

  1. NoWorries

    Where are your class at now ?.

    Aeronautical Engineering
  2. NoWorries

    motor effect

    I have a assessment coming up...a prac on the motor affect. I was just writing it up before the prac day coming in a few days and I don't know what some of the possible sources of errors are in the prac. All I have so for is accuracy of the weighing machine and finding the length of the...
  3. NoWorries

    Where are premium resources?

    how do we fix this
  4. NoWorries

    The Thread That Never Ends

    The winner will be the last person who posts on this thread
  5. NoWorries

    Donnie Darko

    Re: Donnie Darko Belonging i found this on the net i might help you out a bit...
  6. NoWorries

    HSC Physics Notes

    thnx for sharing your notes they are awesome