Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016
I'm with strawberrye. tbh i think that really comes down to what you think ur time is worth. i.e, I wouldn't call volunteering for x, y, and z a waste of time if I get a good experience out of it b/c I don't consider monetary gain to be the only thing worth using...
You need to be more specific than that lmao. You don't need to post your ideas of your character's progression on BOS, but I would start thinking about what types of problem this farmer is facing. Is city-life too noisy for him? Does it prefer the serene nature of the country side? Perhaps you...
tbh there isn't any one way to show a character is discovering something. The only thing would be you don't want to make the discovery too abrupt, i.e 'and then he/she suddenly discovers xyz' because that's prolly what a large proportion of the state is doing. You want to incorporate other more...
are u seriously getting offended about me repeating a line of comment? i think u need to calm down and chill, it's not like anyone's paying you to endorse video learning; why are you trying so hard to promote it lmao
For the record tho, no I was actually trying to, unsuccessfully, convey that...
I think ur misinterpreting - no one is saying that individuals learn via one particular learning style which is independent of all other mediums. its a matter of individual taste - some mediums might work better than others. doesn't mean that it's the only way someone can learn, merely a path...
i don't think buck is negating the idea of videos and learning lmao; i think what they're saying is that videos might appeal more to aural and visual type learners than other types. Take understanding the heart for example. maybe u learn better by watching a video on someone explaining the diff...
Help throughout the year but don't share your resources until after trials
helping - as in questions and helping people grasp concepts- benefits u more often than not since teaching is one way for you to appreciate your own understanding of a subject. for example, through teaching, you might...
Re: To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle-what do people th
sure, so like how we're are ignoring issues that are prevalent within society today? The quote sounds fine, but tbh a single line of analysis doesn't really mean much. You should be thinking "where am I going...
sounds fine storyline wise
i mean if u do ext eng and land with the module after the bomb, that's kinda all about doom and gloom. just b careful u do ur research and make sure that ur story sounds authentic and something that could actually happen and don't make it a melodrama