Hi, I'm an experienced tutor who completed my HSC in 2005 and received a UAI of 99.90 - 3rd in the Grade Sydney Boys High School
I am now taking available for Year 12 2007. Also, I would like to limit my tutoring to these three subjects, as I know them best. If I do tutor you, I might be able...
As a HSC 2005er, I would like to openly give a big good luck to all 06ers!
I remember the immense stress and anxiety that was pumping through me this time of the year, and I got through it and you will too.
I'd like to give a particular shout out to the Sydney High Class of 2006. Do even...
Actually if you ask around, if students were offered a place in Med at UNSW or Med at USYD (which isn't really undergraduate-it's just reserving your place in Grad Med later (and you have to keep a very high average), they usually always choose UNSW.
The only reason I think for someone opting...
I've checked UNSW scholarships website, and there are some interesting guidelines:
NSW and ACT High School Principals will be asked to nominate the School's top student, based on the average of available academic results for years 11 and 12.
The number of places is...
apparently, this is a new one-off grant which is given to the dux of any high school who chooses to study at unsw. I don't think there's an interview, and since it's one-off, I don't think you have to maintain a certain average like the Scientia Scholarship (99.90 or over).
In the case of...
Good luck guys.
Around 900 people in the state get a Premier's Award every year.
It is awarded for receiving ten or more units at 90% or above.
Accelerated subjects count and English doesn't have to be part of your ten units.
The trophy is just a slab of glass, but the honour is more...
Well, the short answer is no one knows.
In 2001 and 2003, students were asked to write a creative writing piece based on their prescribed texts, so it definitely is a possibility.
To be sure, be prepared for both situations. I'm with you, I hated writing about my prescribed text as a...
I personally wouldn't delve too far into critical interpretations. (It's not Module B). The syllabus doesn't ask you to subject your texts to critical interpretations. You would be much better off tracing how The Skull... reflects a certain aspect of the evolution of the Crime Fiction genre...
i wouldn't choose a song myself, unless your analysis is very, very sharp and sophosticated. In English (esp new HSC), impressions count. And unless your analysis is spectacular, a song as a ORM is generally looked down upon (mainly because techniques used in songs are very simplified - mainly...
I think the Latin term you're looking for is id est (which means that is).
anyway, my thoughts on this: definitely maths ext 2 is much harder than english ext 2.
Have you seen some of the higher order maths in the syllabus? Resisted motion? Circular motion? CONICS? so much harder than...