I've actually applied to change my degree! From B Psych (science) to B Psych (arts). Which essentially means it's the same, and i'm still a science faculty kid but i can get that english major now

because i'm changing my degree, i actually discontinued my two maths subjects, and seeing as i handed in a philosophy of science essay last week, i only have two exams. psych tomoz and history on fri. yay! i'm rather excited about some of the english courses i want to take next year
I've only read the penelopiad by margaret atwood which i found rather unsatisfying tbh. But year of the flood has been added to my 'must read' list. hopefully i'll get to that during holidays
that's awesome that you're coming to the glasslands next year, even if it is only for one subject

if you end up doing psych, give me a yell & i'll hit you up with some notes
how's life in the tower of terror treating you? exams must be about now if i've been paying attention to my friends...