Hey there,
If I wanted to switch degrees from comm/econ to comm/engo, do I still need to get 75WAM that the internal transfer program requires if I had the ATAR to get in originally? First year btw.
Thanks :)
From: http://www.asb.unsw.edu.au/currentstudents/academicinformation/enrolmentinformation/Pages/newundergraduatestudents.aspx
it says that new undergraduate students doing bachelor of commerce/economics must enrol in ACCT1501, ECON1101, ECON1203 and MGMT1001.
Do we have to enrol in all these...
2010 school rank: 13
Trial ranks:
Economics- 18/43
Eng Advanced- 75/158
Math EX1- 49/107 (many silly mistakes, expecting 80-85% raw in externals so take it as 80% raw)
Math EX2- 20/54
Physics- 38/80