note that either f(x) or f-(x) cannot be a function if the two intersect at a point that is not on the line y=x
i.e. if both function and inverse are functions the only points of intersection lie on y=x
re: HSC Physics Marathon Archive
I would say A more than B although A is not perfect.... non of these answers are right. The real graph should look very similar to B, but it must extend below the t axis for at least a infinitesimal period of time. How would you get a moving stone to stop...
what are the main points needed for an answer to a slingshot question?
yeh it depends on the question, but usually im thinking some of these -
1. diagram with vector addition shown
2. Conservation of Kinetic Energy + how this applies
3. Conservation of momentum + how this applies
that wasnt all i said - i worked out the roots and wrote the formula for product of roots but i used the leading coefficient as one instead of the sum of binomial coefficients
no its not a variable. but i was thrown off by the equation we had to prove because in physics the static coefficient time the normal represents the maximum frictional force that can be provided, so the v they used in the first part was clearly the 'breaking point' past which the car would slide...