I may be a bit biased since I study and CS and maths, but you shouldn't let your current math skills deter you from pursuing computer science. Also, it may be possible that you will enjoy maths later on and the current way it is taught in high school just doesn't work for you.
Although it is...
Not saying CS at USyd is bad, far from it. And you're right, if you have interest in actual computer *science* (and not "practical" IT skills), then UNSW would be a better choice imo. Not gonna go into any more depth here though. Some discussion from a while back...
Honours isn't required for B Comp Sci, it is required for Advanced Maths though. As far as I know, there isn't a BE(Computer/Software)/BSc (Adv Maths). I'm going by this page: http://www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/vbook2013/brProgramsByFaculty.jsp?StudyLevel=Undergraduate - seems adv maths is only...
I do Comp Sci / BSc (Maths) so I'll answer for that. To do a maths major in that degree, see http://www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/undergraduate/plans/2013/MATHM13970.html - it's not quite as specialised as the majors you can do in BSc (Advanced Maths) but there are a number of free "science"...
Have you looked at the Co-op program for UNSW?
Going to take this opportunity to complain about UNSW budgeting.
*ONE WEEK* before the semester starts, the course I was looking forward to gets cancelled. Had to last minute find another course and reschedule everything.
(From what I heard, this is due to voluntary redundancies as part...