When calculating the heat of solution, do we include the solute in the value for m in ΔH=-mCΔT?
Like if I dissolve 5g of NaCl in 100g of water, would m=105g?
I was just reading ahead for maths and I came across the binomial theorem (which I can't find in my Cambridge 3U yr 11).
I'm pretty familiar with using Pascal's triangle to find the coefficients but I just wanted to find out how this formula works.
Could someone explain what the n over the k...
Just sneak a $50 note into the teacher's pocket and play it off like "Oh! How did that get there?" (Teachers aren't paid enough so its all for the greater good :)
In all seriousness though, It's fun to just strike up a conversations with teachers about what they did on the weekend, etc. As long...
From year 7 to year 10 I always ruled my maths book in half and used the two columns to write notes, do homework etc. Since the start of prelim I have just been using the entire page but I still see a lot of people (including year 12s) who still rule their book in half.
I just wanted to know if...
I find it really depends on which subjects I'm writing notes for. For content heavy writing subjects I type because it's a lot easier and faster to revise (unless you have perfect handwriting, which I don't :smile: ). But for Physics and Maths I just write because in those subjects its more...