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  • Hey sorry for late reply! Sure, here's a sample of my Al Ghazali essay:
    Al Ghazali was able to resolve a prevalent conflict of his time – the struggle between theology and philosophy. He did so by stating that although philosophical ideas and Aristotelian logic could provide insight to and explanation of Muslim thought, it was only correct so far as it did not contradict with any Islamic teachings and principles. He rejected many ancient Greek beliefs...
    Christian bioethics essay:
    Catholicism gives especial authority to Natural Law as it informs the adherent’s conscience. It is the concept that moral reasoning and recognising right from wrong is engrained within humans, and that they are naturally directed towards what is right. Catholic theologian and philosopher Thomas Aquinas stated that Natural Law in relation to the life principle, relates to the tendency of all beings to remain in existence...
    LMK if you'd like to go ahead! I can do it for $8:)
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