Recent content by redmayne

  1. redmayne

    Why are Black people so religious?

    Only 16% or something of Americans say they're not affiliated with any religion whatsoever. And only 25% of Americans are African Americans. So no need to treat them as some special case. Fool.
  2. redmayne

    recognition of "traditional landowners", aboriginal seperatism

    Yeah! Your post is a win for posts that make sense. Or not. You're an idiot.
  3. redmayne

    recognition of "traditional landowners", aboriginal seperatism

    Because they lived here for 60,000+ years and we came in, as an invading force, and dispossessed them of their land. The least we can do is a brief statement at the start of functions. And the pitiful ranting and raving of an illiterate whinger like you isn't gonna change anything.
  4. redmayne

    HAMAS leader assassinated

    Fuckin' Israelis. Bunch of dickheads.
  5. redmayne

    World State

    You're an idiot. And so are you.
  6. redmayne

    My Southern Cross tattoo now brands me as a racist

    Yeah they shouldn't be doin that, certainly. Maybe just set out to tell every single one of them that the black Papua New Guineans, Samoans and Micronesians have it on their flags as well.
  7. redmayne

    My Southern Cross tattoo now brands me as a racist

    While I hate the things and anyone who has one is automatically in my bad books, I don't think this is really an argument. There is a fair bit of historical significance with the Southern Cross in Australia, with the Eureka flag and what not. But the nationalist bogans have taken it over...
  8. redmayne

    Are Pacific Islanders and abo Kiwis the most violent people in Australia?

    Yeah! You've really grasped how it all works! Good on ya, retard.
  9. redmayne

    Are Pacific Islanders and abo Kiwis the most violent people in Australia?

    Oh and I live in Manly on the Northern Beaches, and we're not all posh or bogans. Just live in the best damn place in Sydney. (Although you do get a fair few unsavoury characters heading up to Narrabeen and Dee Why. No offense.)
  10. redmayne

    Are Pacific Islanders and abo Kiwis the most violent people in Australia?

    Oh come on you can't seriously believe that. The vast majority of violent criminals are poor, and it just so happens that a lot of Aboriginals and Islanders are in poverty. So they account for a lot of crime. It's not a genetic predisposition, that's absolutely ridiculous. Aborigines never...
  11. redmayne

    yes, i agree that many communities are doomed to collapse. but the thread singled out aboriginal...

    yes, i agree that many communities are doomed to collapse. but the thread singled out aboriginal ones as somehow unique in that respect. they have the same chance of thriving as any other community, when they're treated right. which they haven't been since...ever. it's not a cop out at all...
  12. redmayne

    Girl forced to change school beacouse of hair color!

    IT'S "BECAUSE". My god why can't you spell because right. You're as bad as the girl's mother naming her "Phylicity".
  13. redmayne

    Aboriginal Communities

    Nobody is arguing that there isn't a problem in Aboriginal communities. No one is arguing that the state of the welfare system is fine right now. And no one here is not concerned about the issue, however they feel about it. I don't necessarily want more money injected into it, I want the...