Recent content by regineriot

  1. R

    What date is the 2009 PIP due?

    hmm, i thought it was the 24th. have i been looking at the wrong spot or something. lol.
  2. R

    The '09 PIP Thread

    ahaha a girl in my class is doing a PIP which is basically ALL about twilight. im sure there'll be thousands of them this year. poor marker.
  3. R

    soundwave 220209

    soundwave 220209
  4. R

    The '09 PIP Thread

    teenage relationships and how media and our peers influence our expectations and decisions. im not sure if its good. but i know it'll be easy to find the right sources and methodologies. is it too common, do you think? im struggling to understand it all. the PIP in general, i mean, not the topic.