Recent content by SadCeliac

  1. SadCeliac

    Past Papers HSC

    Cheers boss, I sent that message a solid year ago <3
  2. SadCeliac

    Math Ext 1 B6 prediction

    Nah no worries To be completely honest I've kinda forgotten ... Sorry 😬
  3. SadCeliac

    Math Ext 1 B6 prediction

  4. SadCeliac

    Math Ext 1 B6 prediction

    I remember having a counting 49 or something and still pulled it up in trials and HSC exam to get a b6 ... Dunno if that's motivation or not but you could try and see ???
  5. SadCeliac

    Math Ext 1 B6 prediction

    What's the context of this
  6. SadCeliac

    Mod B TS Eliot; Essay Structure

    Memorising 💀💀
  7. SadCeliac

    Eternal Invite: The Union of VeiloftheVoid and Harper

    What in the quarter life crisis is this
  8. SadCeliac

    Lovely to meet another weirdo who can't eat bread

    Lovely to meet another weirdo who can't eat bread
  9. SadCeliac

    Yesss keen to hear how you find them when you do get up to them lmao

    Yesss keen to hear how you find them when you do get up to them lmao
  10. SadCeliac

    Looking for a girlfriend please submit your applications

    What if I'm but a mere prawn
  11. SadCeliac

    Deadass we have the same favourite TV shows and movies wtf - add fight club to that list SURELY...

    Deadass we have the same favourite TV shows and movies wtf - add fight club to that list SURELY Also I highly recommend you watch Breaking Bad, and another great mafia movie is Casino 🤩🤩🎉
  12. SadCeliac

    Looking for a girlfriend please submit your applications

    Congratulations :) that's so wholesome
  13. SadCeliac

    Does God exist?

    Judaism has no defined belief in heaven or hell but most Jews still believe in God...
  14. SadCeliac

    atar question

    Mine didn't let us either but you could always kinda guess/estimate?