Recent content by SanjanaSenthil

  1. S

    I need help with these physics questions!

    Nope scratch that, I got 1.57 x 10^11
  2. S

    I need help with these physics questions!

    I got -5.68 x 10^10 for C..
  3. S

    I need help with these physics questions!

    If by any chance there is a teacher reading this who stars with W, hello :)
  4. S

    I need help with these physics questions!

    Ohh I see, just read the text book. Thank you :) Yay, I got the answers right so far except for 1 which is meant to be positive. :D
  5. S

    I need help with these physics questions!

    I got -1.194 x 10^ did you get a positive answer?
  6. S

    I need help with these physics questions!

    1. A satellite with mass 200kg maintains a stable orbit of 300km above the Earths surface. Determine the Gravitational Potential Energy of the satellite. 2. A 2000kg satellite is to be placed in a circular orbit 8000km above the Earths surface. The radius of the Earth is 6380km. a)...
  7. S

    I just don't get physics

    Is this correct? A satellite with mass 200kg maintains a stable orbit of 300km above the Earths surface. Determine the Gravitational Potential Energy of the satellite. I got -1.19 x 10^10 If I am wrong, what would be the correct answer with working? Thanks you!
  8. S

    Gravitational Potential Energy help, quick question!

    To calculate the gravitational potential energy of a satellite above the earth's surface, would I use the equation: GPE = -G x mass of earth x mass of satellite/distance between the two masses..? If so, for the distance between the two masses, is it the distance between the centre of the...
  9. S

    Math question help!

    Okay, thanks everyone! :)
  10. S

    Math question help!

    Show that the curve is monotonic increasing for all values of x. y = x^3 - 3x^2 + 27x - 3 Also, why do people keep saying that the Maths In Focus textbook is really bad? Is there a better textbook?