Give me sports and training cos I luv to push my body and mind to their limits! But four walls drive me crazy unless my mind has something to do. That's why I love beach volleyball so much cos your doing a professional sports but, hey, you get to do all your training on the beach!!
House, Friends, Family Guy, Greys Anatomy, Californication, Brothers and Sisters!!
Favourite Movies
Fight Club, Memoirs to a Geisha, A Fish Called Wanda, The Bournes (all three), Oceans 11, 12, 13, A Beautiful Mind, Coach Carter, Glory Road, Remeber the Titans, Under the Tuscan Sun, DeJau Voux, Mr & Mrs Smith, Spygame, (anything with Brad Pitt really - there's just somethin about that smile)
Favourite Quote
“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.”