Are there any 99.95 courses other than combined medicine? and EAS doesn't count for that :(
I will keep EAS just as a backup, just in case I change my mind
for english I just break the question into two parts, see if I agree or disagree with each, write a paragraph on each. paragraphs are saturated with quotes that directly support my argument. I answer the question directly and and keep referring to it, been doing great in english
for creative, I...
for english I just break the question in two parts, see if I agree or disagree with each, write a paragraph on each. paragraphs are saturated with quotes that directly support my argument. I answer the question directly and and keep referring to it, been doing great in english
for creative, I...
By the way, I do know that EAS is only bonus points and doesn't affect the actual ATAR but if my ATAR is already high will they not give me the bonus points? I mean if the ATAR is already high, it kind of defeats the purpose of EAS.
I will work harder and get the 99.6+ just to be safe for unsw...
What up my homies and niggas
I read all the EAS documents out there and can't get an answer to my question...
I satisfy 3 of the EAS criteria but my estimated ATAR is around 98.85
Will EAS do anything to my ATAR?
~peace out homie~
By the way, dame means a female knight. I think that is a swear word in afghan culture since women have no rights there haha (was that a good joke?)
~peace out homie~
One sick cunt response so far from my nigga johnstan, waiting for at least 5 responses so we can start our operations. The first will be operation aesthetics (3 hours in the gym everyday) and simultaneous to that will be operation Omed in which we try to exterminate Omed (will be challenging...