Also, seeing as I didn't directly answer your question:
Topics would be introduced in order of how they appear in the question, or how they appear in the syllabus (it doesn't actually matter unless your paragraphs/topics lead into one another).
Do talk about both businesses under one heading IF...
Case study exams - I presume you're talking about the Section 4 Essay in the HSC exam. Regardless, this also stays true for any assignments/other exams.
You're gonna want to structure your essays around different topics/talking points. Say, if you're talking about financial sources regarding...
Statistics and trends of the AUS economy added as I discover and interpret/explain them. Interpretations may not be wholly correct or you may disagree with them. If so, contact me! I will update them as I can - but I have no plans to do so past my economics HSC exam. In the meantime, enjoy! I...
I would definitely start with the context surrounding Shakespeare at the time of writing (The Tragedy of) King Richard III as well as the influences upon his work. Textual Conversations don't just have to be texts in the conventional sense (books etc.) but they can also be Royal Decrees (namely...