Recent content by skyhrrso

  1. S

    subject selection help !!

    i'm doing: - eng ext 1 - maths ext 1 - chem - modern history - either bio, economics or legal - slr as an extra unit so i have 13? not sure about this as i have to wake up early and the classes are held before normal school time
  2. S

    subject selection help !!

    i'm also choosing my subjects right now, however, my older sister did 14 units in year 11 and it really stressed her out. you have a lot of different subject areas already so i think you should stick with what you have. if you really want to do eco, you could maybe swap it for legal studies? it...
  3. S

    biology or economics?

    thank you for your advice! i'm not certain about studying medicine and i'm still considering other fields so i'm leaning towards economics. i also may not take slr, however taking 14 units is not allowed at my school, or at least strongly not recommended from what I've heard.
  4. S

    biology or economics?

    hi everyone, i'm in year 10 and picking my subjects for next year. i'm planning on having 13 units - I'm doing SLR which is offered as a year 11 only, 1 unit subject so that I have the option to drop maths extension if I'm struggling. these are my planned subjects: - english ext 1 - maths ext 1...