Recent content by somegronk

  1. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Don't bother scanning the continuing specials and MB's, just print them from ISIS having the promo-end date a few months from now and select the batches that were active before tomorrows date and run passed Wednesday. Saved me a good hour, plus you know you haven't missed any.
  2. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Pay was processed on Thursday, but changes can be made up until Sunday arvo. So you should start seeing it roll into accounts after that. Most likely Monday.
  3. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Are you talking about those who are <20 performing those roles? 3.2.1 Junior employees shall receive the following percentages of the appropriate Grade 1 or 2 adult rate prescribed in sub clause 3.1. The way I interpret that is that if you perform grade 3 or higher duties, then there is only the...
  4. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Ask them where the nearest exit is. Haha but yeah, I guess you could ask them about career progression i.e. what is on offer to employees to further their career at woolies.
  5. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Nice. Did you read this or were you told by someone in the know? I was told it takes one or two weeks after its been agreed to and FWA looks over it until we get paid.
  6. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    I rarely work on service.... but all our smokeshop attendants (well most of them) have supervisor numbers but have limited training in supervision. The only reason they have them is to handle refunds and those trivial things. And as for the audit; we got done a few months ago, our service...
  7. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Anyone heard if the EBA has been agreed to? and more importantly, any ideas how long it is after this we get our back-pay?!
  8. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Is it possible to be on a 3/4 day salary? I have heard of someone being on a 3 day salary package, but I imagine it is very rare. I work as an SSA and Duty Manager. The SM told me that the regular mon-fri duty manager will be leaving, and he asked if I was interested in all/some of his shifts...
  9. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    My ASM will still find a way to spend 4 hours a day in the boss' office
  10. S

    Hobart schoolies

    So here's the 411, Me and a couple of mates are heading to the fun capital of Australia, Hobart. Apparently a mind blowing experience. SO KEEEEEEEEEN! :) What are your thoughts guys?