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  • I'm a parent. My daughter is choosing Yr 12HSC subjects and I'm worried. She's clever but chooses easy options. Dropped Maths. Doing Advanced English, Visual Arts, Biology, PDHPE, Italian Bgns., likes all her subjects. Needs ATAR of 80 for either direction in 2020; the arty way or Human Sciences way (she's sporty). Can you comment on how achievable an ATAR of 80 via those subjects might be, please?
    An ATAR of 80 is very achievable with those subjects. Sometimes doing easy subjects is more beneficial in the long run as it is easy to ace them and consequently get a high ATAR. As long as she works hard and puts in the study hours, she should be able to get 80+.
    I'm currently in Year 11 and thinking about post-school options. I'm really passionate about doing speech pathology at the moment, but I'm a bit apprehensive as I have heard it is a quite academically demanding degree. Can anybody who is doing a speech pathology degree outline what kind of subjects you do and how difficult they are? Hard in what way, lots of science, lots of writing, lots of research?

    Thanking you!
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