I did HIST111 last year and it was fantastic -however, this was mainly due to the awesome lecturer, who unfortunately left at the end of last year. I am not sure who the replacement is yet, but hopefully the unit will be just as good this year.
If you want a really interesting and fun elective...
Don't worry, pretty much everyone in my ancient class did this last year. They all got marked ok..I even rang the BOS after the exam and they said it would be fine. :)
Barney Stinson would say 83% :P
Seriously though, I guess it is a matter of personal choice whether you make up cases/statistics etc, but personally I wouldn't feel that I deserved the mark at the end of it all.
Thanks for the rep. :)
How did you go with Ancient? I'm sure you aced it. :)
When is extension? At least you are ranked first for it. (Haha..terrible joke :P)