Must be one of the only people to do Navigating the Global.....
Essay was awful! Such a tenuous link to draw "home" and concepts of local+global/changing world together... Awful link to the syllabus/rubric for NTG, definitely one of the weirdest questions they have thrown for NTG in a long...
Mod A - feeling a bit ambivalent.
Mod B has just ruined all the good things I did in the other two sections..
Time and place and how it affects 'enduring relationships' for Harwood's poetry. Fffffff-
Let's hope I pass, that question was so ridiculously narrow for that section.
Adored Mod C...
Re: Inspiration Thread (2013 cohort)!
thought I'd check how everyone else is going with 6 days to go!
I think I'm just going to feel the biggest relief when this beast is handed in.... but I'm predicting a few late nights and a lot of caffeine over the week.....
plenty of editing still to...
But unfortunately, they don't do combined - it'd take 6 years to do nursing and then midwifery.... But James Cook does it combined in 4, and then I can do a masters of nursing and a post grad diploma in neonatal and be finished at the same time as two bachelors at UTS.
95 - but 90 is okay by me....
Law/psych at Macq (in which case I get my rural points to help) or midwifery/nursing, but not sure what uni for midwifery (possibly James Cook)
^rural points calculator, up to 9 points depending on how rural the postcode of your school is.
I qualify for five! Five is the general standard
I'm adding in a few different uni's for you to look at...
Legal 96% (this years average over two assessments is 97% =D)
Hospo 84% (but the class average was 50-60% and a few fails) and I ranked first, so happy, but could have picked up a few easy marks I lost. But let's face it, it's VET and my HSC is worth 100% of my final, this is only going to...
each tuesday 7:40-8:40ish
once on week a friday, we have a double when everyone has the same frees.
there are 7 in my ext 1 class, 4 guys, 3 girls.
ext 2 you just drop in whenever, and have to answer emails etc. 3 in that class, no set times really, we just have a copy of our teachers frees...
I'm the same - tv, film + music.
I'm not sure. You want a happy medium between having enough different texts to support, but also few enough that you won't be skimming over them, and be abel to go into them in depth.
It all depends on your question.
I'm the same - tv, film + music.
I'm not sure. You want a happy medium between having enough different texts to support, but also few enough that you won't be skimming over them, and be abel to go into them in depth.
It all depends on your question.
They've given me the entire assessment, and I've started basics of the proposal.... I got a copy of a previous Hist Ext student's proposal, and they gave us templates from various uni's to work off.