Recent content by switchpen

  1. S

    Mathematics Extension 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    do you guys think 2022 or 2023 was harder? I'm praying on this year's scaling. what do you think is the e4 raw mar cut off?
  2. S

    2023 HSC chat

    I found the multiple choice harder but other than that it was ok. i didn't like the trade/environmental choice though
  3. S

    2023 HSC chat

    does anyone have the economics paper?
  4. S

    will sum and products of quartics be in the hsc?

    the formula sheet only has the sum and roots of cubics. my question is whether sum and product equations of quartics and quadratic are needed?
  5. S

    2023 HSC chat

    yeah, me and all my classmates were saying that
  6. S

    2023 HSC chat

    how did everyone find ext 2 test? wtf is a clockwise triangle??? , also, did you find it harder/easier than last years
  7. S

    Please help me estimate my atar!

    Could you please estimate my atar? My school is ranked in the 160s in NSW Listed below as subject/rank/trial marks/no of band 6 in 2022 English advanced/ (6/85) / (66/100) / 3 Maths Ext 1/ (3/33) / (86/100) / 9 Maths Ext 2/ (3/12) / (63/100) / 4 Chemistry/ (1/23) / (78/100) / 3 Physics/...