Recent content by theprofessor

  1. theprofessor

    Boy, 12, turns into girl

    If someone did want to have a sex change, wouldn't the best time to do so would be before puberty? This way, they do not have to remove changes that occur due to puberty i.e. in the case of boy to girl, remove beard hair, and for girl to boy, remove their breasts. Also, it takes a while for a...
  2. theprofessor

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Apologies to all people who find heterosexual sex disgusting. Breeding too much. Well, maybe at China.
  3. theprofessor

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I'm against homosexuality. It is unproductive: People who are homosexual will not mate with other humans, hence not producing offspring. This limits the proportion of humans in the world producing offspring and ensuring survival of the human species. If everyone was homosexual, no one would...