Recent content by Tryingtodowell

  1. T

    atar range

    oh i forgot about atar calculators 😭💀
  2. T

    atar range

    my subjects chem phy mx2 mx1 english adv if I were to get b6 in all except english adv (high b5) what atar range is that?? I know u need school rank marks band 6 rate whatever but hypothetically whats the atar range estimate (if possible?? dont attack me pls 😭)
  3. T

    girl really...

    girl really...
  4. T

    enrichment 4u qs

    why?? isnt new senior just for grasping then cambridge for actual questions? 😭😭
  5. T

    enrichment 4u qs

    Is it worth doing the enrichment qs on cambridge or nah? coz its so annoying 😭
  6. T

    Would you buy bos merch

    but how are u gonna make a lot of them. are u associated with a company who does that because idk how u could do this on ur own 😭
  7. T


    yes I understand that but at present circumstances I want to know how detrimental a band 5 in standard eng is because I dont want to end up up feeling guilty about dropping and realising later on that I was actually capable of doing adv 😭
  8. T


    but what if u get a band 5 how much detrimentally does it affect ur atar
  9. T


    Should I drop to standard eng or not? Ive seen people say on here to not to. so I got 14/25 for my first assessment and got recommended to drop down and 20 other people as well. They called us up and told us how it could fck our atar up if we dont and all that and that u need to lock in as hard...
  10. T

    mod 6 phy

    its been a month now i get how this works now 😭😭 but thanks for replying
  11. T

    usyd o week

    oh is there a website or place u can link me to where I can find that or does our school let u know when its time? dont know how it works 😭 oh wait.. will it be on students online????
  12. T

    usyd o week

    hi if u dont mind me asking 😭 as a class of 2025 when do u even apply for uni -> after ur get ur results on december 14 or before
  13. T

    zendaya is a lucky girl to date someone like him

    zendaya is a lucky girl to date someone like him