haha sorry for the late reply. Thats what I'll like to know too. Im assuming EAS.
But of course it is considered as the "top 3" , I couldnt believe it too.
My friends got into Law at UTS with ATARS of 83, 86, 89 and 90. O_O
And another friend of mine got into eco/law at UNSW with a 95 Atar. O___O
Is Macq's law really going down hill? How bad is it? Cos I'm considering to transfer there! Also how was everyone's timetable?
monday: intro to law and intro to law tut
tues: arts lect, arts tut 12 -1
weds: off
thurs: torts 9-12
friday: arts lec, arts tut 12- 1
I was gonna cramp it to 3 days by shoving torts after arts lec. However I dont know what the workload is and im scared I'll fall behind etc etc LOL -_-'' So...
^ I am!
So did everyone get a confirmation email? Cos I didnt! I paid via post office, got the receipt and every in tack. Also is there anymore information being released?
I'm going to start my B of Arts and Law this year at UWS with the intention of transferring the year after to Macq. So I'm interested in what your decision would be like, so keep me up to date! =)
Btw, how are the people there in law? Are they drop kicks? Idiots?