Recent content by you just lost the game

  1. Y

    How to calculate your ATAR from trial/past paper marks

    i think the physics one is broken, its telling me a raw mark of 82 in bio or a raw mark of 90 in business is higher than a raw mark of 90 in physics :oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops: can u pls fix it 🙏🙏🙏🙏
  2. Y

    do you have time for a life outside of studying med or dentistry?

    hey, i'm a high school student who's thinking about pursuing either medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy at unsw or usyd. im ranked overall 1st at my school right now, but i still get to have time to myself and time to go out with friends and go to parties and work. i was just wondering if anyone...