South Australian, Tasmanian and Northern Territory Universities
The following information is taken directly from the website of the particular university or from the Australian Vice-Chancellor’s Committee website. A listed university does not represent any affiliation or recommendation made by and is purely a representation of facts about that particular university. provides links to external organisations as an information service only and does not necessarily endorse any organisation or products which are represented on the external sites.
The University of Adelaide –
Charles Darwin University –
The Flinders University of South Australia –
University of South Australia –
University of Tasmania –
top The University of Adelaide –
Adelaide South Australia 5005
Tel: (08) 8303 4455
Fax: (08) 8224 0464
Adelaide University continues a long tradition of quality research, scholarship and teaching at its four South Australian campuses.
The University was founded in 1874. It now encompasses four campuses and provides undergraduate and postgraduate education for some 14,000 students (12,000 EFTSU) in agricultural and natural resource sciences, engineering, computing and mathematical sciences, health sciences, humanities and social sciences, science, performing arts, law, architecture and urban design, economics and commerce.
Acknowledged as a national and international leader in many fields of education, research and research training, the University is a major partner in 14 Cooperative Research Centres and hosts three national special/key research centres and a range of other specialist research concentrations. It is rated, on a per capita basis, as among the top two universities in Australia for research performance, and consistently achieves top ratings in assessments of quality in research and teaching.
The North Terrace campus is located in the heart of the city and offers an attractive mix of heritage listed buildings as well as more modern structures. The CSIRO Division of Health and Human Nutrition is also located on this campus.
The Waite campus at Urrbrae houses Australia’s largest agricultural science research complex. Also located on the campus are Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (PIRSA), the Australian Wine Research Institute, the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) and several CSIRO divisions.
The Thebarton Commerce and Research Precinct links industry with research in engineering, petroleum technology, telecommunications and many other areas.
The Roseworthy campus, in a rural setting one hour north of the city, focuses on teaching and research in agronomy, dryland agriculture,livestock management and natural resource management.
top Charles Darwin University –
Darwin NT 0909
Tel: (08) 8946 6666
Fax: (08) 8927 0612
Charles Darwin University is the Northern Territory’s major tertiary institution and a leader in the study of tropical and arid environments; renewable energy; indigenous history, health and education; and South-East Asia studies.
Charles Darwin has around 19,000 students, and campuses and education centres in Palmerston, Tennant Creek, Yulara, Jabiru, Katherine and Nhulunbuy (Gove) as well as Alice Springs and Casuarina, Darwin (the University’s main campus).
The University offers senior secondary and VET courses through to undergraduate and postgraduate studies, and is fast gaining an international reputation for excellence in both teaching and research. Research is a key component of Charles Darwin’s strategic vision – approximately 25% of all R&D carried out in the Territory is conducted by the University.
Charles Darwin courses are taught in Malaysia, Hong Kong, India, Papua New Guinea and Brunei, and exchange agreements are in place with a number of US institutions.
top The Flinders University of South Australia –
Sturt Road
Bedford Park South Australia 5042
GPO Box 2100
Adelaide SA 5001
Tel: (08) 8201 3911
Fax: (08) 8201 3000
Flinders University is an integral part of Australia’s respected higher education system and an important contributor to the economy of the nation and the State of South Australia. We receive two-thirds of our annual funding from the Federal Government and one-third from research grants, links with industry, student fees and other sources.
The University was established in 1966 as part of a major expansion of Australian higher education aimed at providing greater opportunities to a far larger number and a more diverse representation of the population. From the start, we were committed to the principles of:
offering the highest quality of degree programs across close to the full range of academic fields and disciplines
improving equity and access for those groups who traditionally had not been included among university student populations
aspiring to the highest international standards of research
managing internal arrangements as non-hierarchically as possible.
In 1997, the University adopted a formal Statement of Intent. Since updated, it remains the explicit formulation of our fundamental philosophy and the basis on which planning and priority setting is based.
The following have been identified as the key characteristics of Flinders:
an internally cohesive university, which combines a participatory mode of governance with effective and responsible leadership, and with a sense of community characterised by a regard for the well being of students and staff and a commitment to equity, diversity and cultural inclusivity;
an outward-looking university which seeks out, listens to, takes seriously and meets wherever possible the needs of the multiple external communities that have expectations of universities generally and of Flinders in particular;
a university of academic breadth, depth and high quality which supports both disciplinary specialities and cross-disciplinary collaborations in education and research, encourages innovation and applies a future oriented critical perspective to all its current and proposed new activities.
topUniversity of South Australia –
North Terrace
Adelaide SA 5000
GPO Box 2471
Adelaide SA 5001
Tel: (08) 8302 6611
Fax: (08) 8302 2466
The University of South Australia is committed to educating professionals, creating and applying knowledge, and serving the community. Our teaching and research focus is innovative, collaborative, enterprising, flexible and based on the intelligent use of new and emerging technologies. We continue to be international, industry focussed, student centred, service oriented and multidisciplinary.
UniSA is a modern, successful institution comprising around 27,000 students and 2000 staff. Established in 1991, the University traces its history back to some of the earliest and most influential educational institutions in South Australia. Our entry policies emphasise access and equity so students at UniSA come from a broad range of backgrounds via pathways including bridging and special entry programs. The diversity of our student population, including a large number of international students, gives UniSA its distinct character.
UniSA’s teaching and learning environment is shaped by student-centred learning for the professions, the development of a set of graduate qualities as part of the normal learning arrangements in each course, and the use of flexible delivery, mediated by technology, for teaching programs. A major provider of online programs, distance education, and off-shore teaching programs and development partnerships, our position is further strengthened by our membership of teaching consortia such as Open Learning Australia (OLA) and the Global University Alliance (GUA). We offer over 300 programs across some 40 disciplines at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
UniSA has two major research institutes, is a member of five Cooperative Research Centres and is a national leader in the field of collaborative research with industry partners.
top University of Tasmania –

GPO Box 252C
Hobart Tasmania 7001
Tel: (03) 6226 2999
Fax: (03) 6226 2018
The University of Tasmania is known nationally and internationally as a quality teaching and research institution. It has 12 000 students on two campuses in Hobart the capital and Launceston, located in the north. More than 800 international students from 60 countries are currently studying at the University and approximately 200 study University programs at overseas locations.
The latest methods in technology, communications and research ensure continuing recognition of the University as a significant education provider on the world stage.
In 1994, the University of Tasmania was placed in the first band of Australian universities for its teaching and learning processes, by the Australian Governments Committee for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. In 1995 it was placed in the first band for its community service activities and congratulated for the development of a broad research culture. In 1997 and 1998 the University won the prestigious Services to Students Award.
The University of Tasmania is both one of Australias oldest and newest universities. Founded in Hobart in 1890 it was only the fourth university in colonial Australia. In the ensuing one hundred years it gained a reputation for solid academic achievement.
In 1991 it merged with the Tasmanian State Institute of Technology in Launceston to form the new University of Tasmania, a vibrant educational institution which combined the century long traditions of academic excellence in the old university with the energy and dynamism of a modern institute of technology.
The result today is a University attuned to the needs of the traditional professions, yet vitally aware of the requirements of industry and commerce and providing its graduates with an outlook and vision suited to the twenty-first century.
The University of Tasmania believes it can offer one of the best choices available in Australian higher education – a University of international standing committed to excellent teaching and quality learning opportunities for its students.
The University of Tasmania is increasingly being selected by students from across Australia and overseas as their first choice in tertiary education. |