Do you think I have made the right decision? (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2024
In short, today I decided to drop Earth and gave in the form. I know a lot of you guys said to keep it incase, but tbh I don't want to drag 12 units and would like to just focus on 10 with more time up my hands.

The thing is that I feel maybe I am making the wrong decision here and maybe should drop Economics as I have sorta been not doing as much of the work as I should be for it and have been finding it pretty boring as of late. Also, its a very content heavy subject and while I could probably band 6 it by locking in hard, it is a lot of effort and I am struggling to find time to study for it as 4 and 3 unit math take up a lot of my schedule.

Basically what Im getting at here is that maybe dropping Economics is a somewhat better idea (idk though) as doing Earth takes up a substantial amount less of my time. Despite this, I am also sorta considering something Eco related in UNI so this knowledge could be beneficial and tbh a general idea of the economy and how it works is great to have. With Earth, while its an easy subject it also comes the fact that most of the stuff you learn it is pretty basic and not really useful for my tertiary study.

Another factor is that I managed to completely bomb my Earth task 1 mostly due to the fact that I did no work for it, getting a 69% and ranking 3/8 when I normally ranked 1 or 2 in year 11 with high 90s.

For Eco I did a lot better lol getting an 81% and ranking top 5 I think? out of maybe 15 in my class- it was one of my better marks for term 1.

Anyway the fact is that I could honestly probably keep up my good marks in Economics and could also probably redeem my rank in the long run for Earth, but Eco is just so mundane and dry to study and the fact that you have to remember statistics whereas Earth is pretty simple and laid out.

Anyway, Ill probably regret either choice knowing me but do you guys have any advice?

Also if I were to keep Earth and drop Economics I am majorly cooked if I manage to mess up any assessment due to the scaling factor, but also if I redeem my mark and rank first or second the scaling is pretty good honestly.


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
can you change your decision atp? if not there is no point in stressing abt it or overthinking imo. i feel like in every post you make you keep dwelling on the past and while i get it, it just makes you stress and overthink it


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2024
can you change your decision atp? if not there is no point in stressing abt it or overthinking imo. i feel like in every post you make you keep dwelling on the past and while i get it, it just makes you stress and overthink it
I mean yeah I could change it, Ik i gotta stop dwelling but tbh this was a thought that sorta had some logic behind it so idk maybe


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
ok well if i were in your shoes i would have kept both eco and earth honestly, or if you desperately needed more time i would say drop earth

you seem to want to improve your marks in maths (you didnt say you did bad but you posted abt it so im assuming you are looking to do better than how you are now) - so say you dropped eco, youre dropping one of your stronger subjects while being left with both earth and maths to need to improve on.

i think dropping subjects you are worse off at (in your case thats earth) is a better choice than dropping the stronger subject bc you never know if you will make that comeback in earth or not. its easier to work with a good mark and endure and do better in eco than to try to make up for a bad mark in earth imo

and honestly while you might think dropping to 11 or 10 units will give your more time i found that for many people they procrastinate their study periods away and dont cope any better just bc they dropped smth. if you are that sort of person it may be favourable for you to keep both and drop later depending on what you are better at further into y12.

just my advice imo i dont want to influence your decision bc dropping stuff can change the course of your hsc and i dont want that on my back


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2024
ok well if i were in your shoes i would have kept both eco and earth honestly, or if you desperately needed more time i would say drop earth

you seem to want to improve your marks in maths (you didnt say you did bad but you posted abt it so im assuming you are looking to do better than how you are now) - so say you dropped eco, youre dropping one of your stronger subjects while being left with both earth and maths to need to improve on.

i think dropping subjects you are worse off at (in your case thats earth) is a better choice than dropping the stronger subject bc you never know if you will make that comeback in earth or not. its easier to work with a good mark and endure and do better in eco than to try to make up for a bad mark in earth imo

and honestly while you might think dropping to 11 or 10 units will give your more time i found that for many people they procrastinate their study periods away and dont cope any better just bc they dropped smth. if you are that sort of person it may be favourable for you to keep both and drop later depending on what you are better at further into y12.

just my advice imo i dont want to influence your decision bc dropping stuff can change the course of your hsc and i dont want that on my back
Yeah I see where your coming from in terms of keeping both. For me I think I dropped Earth because really there is no point in me keepig it if I haven't really done an of the work for it as of late. But yeah, with these studies idek if ill be productive so I hope Ive made the right decision as if i get nothing done theres really no point in my drop


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
Yeah I see where your coming from in terms of keeping both. For me I think I dropped Earth because really there is no point in me keepig it if I haven't really done an of the work for it as of late. But yeah, with these studies idek if ill be productive so I hope Ive made the right decision as if i get nothing done theres really no point in my drop
wait lol why did you ask if you werent gonna change anything tho. not that you should change based on what i said but just curious


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2024
wait lol why did you ask if you werent gonna change anything tho. not that you should change based on what i said but just curious
nah im for sure open to advice on whether I made the right decision as Its a big decision for me that uve made and i don't want this to be a determinant that stuffs me up


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2024
imo these are the considerations for dropping in order of priority. working down the list if any 1 applies then think about dropping
1. are you struggling with little chance of improving to the desired standard
2. do you hate this subject to the point where it impacts your performance (sometimes placed in 1st priority depending on scenario)
3. does this align with your career path/uni course
4. is the tradeoff of time worth any potential positive scaling of the subject and ATAR impact

based off this list i think it was a good choice dropping earth, as you haven't indicated you hate 4u maths, and sounds like you can defo do well. i also seem to recall that you dislike earth and from personal experience this will impact your studies a lot. hope it all works out for you bro


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2024
In short, today I decided to drop Earth and gave in the form. I know a lot of you guys said to keep it incase, but tbh I don't want to drag 12 units and would like to just focus on 10 with more time up my hands.

The thing is that I feel maybe I am making the wrong decision here and maybe should drop Economics as I have sorta been not doing as much of the work as I should be for it and have been finding it pretty boring as of late. Also, its a very content heavy subject and while I could probably band 6 it by locking in hard, it is a lot of effort and I am struggling to find time to study for it as 4 and 3 unit math take up a lot of my schedule.

Basically what Im getting at here is that maybe dropping Economics is a somewhat better idea (idk though) as doing Earth takes up a substantial amount less of my time. Despite this, I am also sorta considering something Eco related in UNI so this knowledge could be beneficial and tbh a general idea of the economy and how it works is great to have. With Earth, while its an easy subject it also comes the fact that most of the stuff you learn it is pretty basic and not really useful for my tertiary study.

Another factor is that I managed to completely bomb my Earth task 1 mostly due to the fact that I did no work for it, getting a 69% and ranking 3/8 when I normally ranked 1 or 2 in year 11 with high 90s.

For Eco I did a lot better lol getting an 81% and ranking top 5 I think? out of maybe 15 in my class- it was one of my better marks for term 1.

Anyway the fact is that I could honestly probably keep up my good marks in Economics and could also probably redeem my rank in the long run for Earth, but Eco is just so mundane and dry to study and the fact that you have to remember statistics whereas Earth is pretty simple and laid out.

Anyway, Ill probably regret either choice knowing me but do you guys have any advice?

Also if I were to keep Earth and drop Economics I am majorly cooked if I manage to mess up any assessment due to the scaling factor, but also if I redeem my mark and rank first or second the scaling is pretty good honestly.
if you drop earth youll probably find more time to do econ content. personally id probably pick whichever subject your most interested in, it can really be a drag studying for shit you dont give a fuck about. id also be thinking about the hsc exam itself, i havent done eco but from my understanding it has 2 essay portions, where as earth has none (there tends to be a 7-9 marker which can feel like an essay almost, buts it not too bad). if you suck at doing essays on the spot u may want to keep earth.

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