apparently i think chem would be the better contestant

and chem aligns better than physics...
man i wish i could accelerate music 2 at my old school. too bad that the lines didn't fit
MX2 seems awesome for me... and yeah I did that for the same reason being, coz if I did a course that would require maths then I wouldn't have to worry that much in uni first semester

and yeah, the scaling is like crazy...

apparently i entered my SC marks into the ATAR calculator, with mathematics i would end up with 91 ATAR, but with MX2 I'd end up with 96.6 ATAR
makes a HUGE difference to your ATAR
btw my name is Yongzhen (or Kelvin

and btw what kind of school do you attend? :O
lol i suck at explaining stuff from science....grrr T_T