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  • I cant find where it was posted in the thread i only found it via the attachments of that thread.
    It's depressing in that I've never been in a relationship, I've rarely slept with the same person twice, I want something more than that. It's difficult to meet people so inclined in this part of the country, I hope wherever I move next year it's easier.
    hahahaah lol


    so the point of sports drinks is to rehydrate via electrolyte replacement

    the mechanism behind this is that a high solute concentration of glucose (sugar) and sodium (salt) in the bloodstream forces water to enter the bloodstream from the intestine

    this requires BOTH salt and sugar

    => sugarfree powerade is no better than regular water for rehydration

    Hi Administrator,
    I dunno if you have to power to or not, can you please change my name to : CrazyxGuy .
    Everyone has been derepping me from me school, as i wish to have a fresh start.
    Thanks :)
    I just want to move on. I've recently discovered that the people I work with can't spell really basic words correctly and that upsets me. That and I don't get paid that much or get that much work anymore. It's annoying and I'd like to put my time and effort into something that I can put towards my degree or something that I really enjoy. I enjoy my whisky and I enjoy software (I'm doing Software Engineering btw). It's not even about money, actually. I just do not enjoy it.

    waf recommended cityrail which is actually looking good. I just want to get into something worthwhile.
    Software/IT. Anything related to technology would be an improvement. I've also been thinking of getting into alcohol presentations and stuff.
    I just have no idea how to get any sort of job/internship or what not because my marks aren't great (they're awful) and I don't really know anyone in the industry.
    I want to get a real job and earn some cash dollars. Need a new job so bad and just want to get my life on track
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