Ahh, private school in Sydney City. I still wouldn't mind doing economics and modern history but I'm more of a scientifically inclined person.
Yes, we hardly see many year 10 members on BOS. We rarely see any year 9s. And anything under that is just absolute zero. ^^"
Hobbies? Well, I guess I'm quite musical as I play the clarinet and sing in the choir and I quite often go see festivals and orchestras in the City which I'm interested in. Reading is a pretty huge hobby for me. Mathematics is the subject I like the most thanks to my tutor igniting a sense of respect for it. I play quite a few PC games in holidays and weekends as a means of relaxing or just do hard math problems

. Sport-wise, I play table tennis quite competitively, along with soccer and basketball in school level.
Enough about my introductions and interests, how about you? And how is Knockturn Valley (seems like a nice quiet place
