Hi Jimmy!, for Physics If I got 70 internally, and am ranked 3/4, the 2nd highest is 80 and first is 85. Fourth is 68. If fourth gets 20 in external( highly unlikely) but third gets 80. Where will my internal mark moderate to?
Hi Axelot! Your Assessment Mark will be adjusted to be similar to 80. The large gap between the third and fourth Examination Marks, which in this case is atypical, is a factor that NESA takes into consideration when moderating. As such, you will not be disadvantaged.
So does that mean.. that a high external performance will help move my mark closer to 80? If I don't do well also similar to 4th will my internals be moderated down closer to his mark?
Your own HSC exam performance will not be used to determine your Assessment Mark unless it is equivalent to your rank. Otherwise, your Assessment Mark will be adjusted to be similar to 80. If you don’t do well in your HSC exam, this will simply be reflected in a lower overall HSC mark for the subject.