Bored Of Studies

i would do anything to get the chance to join chem again. I just know they won’t let me join which makes me really sad. At the moment i feel 4u math is too great for me, maybe i can sustain it if i study hard enough?, but im in a depressed and stressed state and my studying isn’t very efficient right now. I know i need to get over it otherwise this is going to effect my hsc performance and i’ve been trying..
idk the context but you'll never know how chem would go for you anyways so theres no point sulking over something that you can't change. the best way to stop is to just just stop.
Yeah its just hard for me to give it up :(

I literally have PTSD from the word "Chemistry" now and im not even joking 💀
ik exactly how you're feeling, i felt pretty similar last year when i was considering doing the ib. just remember it's not going to matter the second you finish school, you can always study chem at uni. if you need to take a week off to destress, you should do it. you can't run on an empty tank. you are more than your academics. people will remember you by the type of person you are not by the atar you got.
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Theres so much pressure these days with everyone wanting a high ATAR and putting academics ahead of everything.