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  • That's good to hear :)

    Hehe, watch all the anime/drama you can before you're in year 12 XD

    Study your arse off and feeling free is all the more better ;)

    It feels awesome! I can't explain it in words; you'll just have to experience it for yourself :D

    Hehe you take care too :)
    So many, many series too count lol. Go to my profile info page and i've listed a few XD
    Yeah, i've been distracted by games and anime XD

    I am freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
    How are you?
    Lol, NGO's ftw

    Year 11, or 11.5 as a person in my year put it, is going pretty good. started on the hsc course, and going strong. chem is slowly getting better and drama ip's are coming along nicely. on the other hand math ext is abit iffy. ahh well, school is going really well, just abit more work =D

    hmb soon ^-^
    Hmm dota isnt an mmo xD. I play silkroad online and am level 96 (100 cap atm) the game is an absolute grind and everybody bots though so i cant reccomend it. Used to play RS a few years ago and was a player mod.

    Yeah in bleach im up to new captain ark, dattebayo changed the compression they used there and it doesnt work on my hdd video player thing so i thought id give bleach a rest for the moment. Also serious SC ruined your gaming life? Nothing changed for me until the weekend before, studied maybe 2-3 hours. But i have been posting tons on this site lol. You into PSP and/or PSP hacking?

    If you havent seen code geass its an absolute must see. Its very similiar to Deathnote but involves mecha which you seem to like since you listed Eureka7 as one of your fave animes.

    Also tell me a few good Ikimono Gakari songs.
    Damn i accidently commented myself and deleted the message before copy pasting.

    Anyway bassically what i said (was much longer but i cbf writing in full now):

    Is that band very pop-ish? I listen to a large variety of jrock (im not retyping that bit xD). Not beeing racist or anything but im Aussie so only just started watching anime at begining of the year. I watched Death Note, Bleach (up to captains ark, will continue later), King Of Bandit Jing and Code Geass. Death Note was first i saw.

    BTW do you play any MMORPGs?
    Hey btw i noticed u listen to jrock/pop and kpop aswell. Know any good bands and songs besides the obvious ones in anime openings?
    Hello there, xMaFF!
    hhaa thanks for the guidance i think i will check out Death Note i dont think im quite ready to commit to a series of Bleach's proportions just before SC haha
    you sound really comitted to your studying so good luck with that! :)
    the dp is totally cute i know but its not a badger its a panda, geez!
    haha well have a good one xx
    On hiatus from BoS XD

    Won't be back until after School Certificate.

    Good luck to everyone with their studies.

    Do your best!

    Take care,
    - xMaFF
    thanks ahh i dont really watch anime that much...actually i dont think ive watched a series before *shifty eyes* :/ ... errr what would you recommend for me to start with??
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