I have been dead to the world. Even Facebook. Please don't take any offence for not replying, and don't ever change your nan-like qualities for fear of driving more people away...
I'll have to check out UWS Penno Observatory... After my repayments on this sweet little Celestron Nexstar

That's pretty lame/nerdy. I'll spend more money on a telescope than my car. Haha!
I'm assuming cohort means year? The school has a total of 200 people, around 25 who are in Yr 12. They aren't very motivated. In fact my physics class bludges and attempts to wing everything, and it's a very hollow victory to top that class. How can I keep motivated if there's low expectations and no challenge?
Half yearlies... Yikes, I definitely don't do well on the spot and I'll never be ready enough for it.
HAVE YER STARTED UNI YET? And can you make french toast?